1 | 极大多数的情况下应用电动 | Electrodynamic shakers are used in most cases because they can operate over a broad frequency range with accurately controlled waveform | |
2 | 教材是指根据一定学科的任务,编选和组织的具有一定深度和范围的知识技能的体系,一般以教科书的形式来具体反映。 | Subject matter refers to a system of knowledge and skills within certain scope and profundity, which is selected and organized in the light of the task of the subject, and in most cases comes out in the form of a textbook. | |
3 | 金属在常温下是固体,通常有银色的或晶亮的光泽。大多数情况下它们既导热又导电。 | Metals are solid at ordinary temperatures. Generally they have a silvery or shiny color. They are good conductors of heat and electricity in most cases . | |
4 | 可以在 Access 2000 中进行设计更改。在 Access 2002 或更高版本中打开文件时,利用 Access 2002 或更高版本专有功能的设计更改在大多数情况下都会保持不变。 | You can make design changes in Access 2000. When you open the file in Access 2002 or later, the design changes that take advantage of feature specific to Access 2002 or later remain intact in most cases . | |
5 | 离子的运动就是那些得到或失去电子的原子运动。这种运动,多半发生化学溶液中。 | The motion of ions is the motion of such atoms as have gained or lost electrons, which in most cases takes place in chemical solution. | |
6 | 另外《联邦咨询委员会法》要求行政机关在开会前要事先告知,大多数情况下要会议公开,要保存"每次会议的详细记录. | In addition, FACA requires agencies to give prior notice of meetings, to hold open meetings in most cases , to keep "detailed minutes of each meeting. | |
7 | 年轻姑娘只要让他见上一面,他就会用一种温和熟识的态度去套热乎,语其中带有几分恳求,结果那些姑娘往往宽容接纳了他。 | Let him meet with a young woman once and he would approach her with an air of kindly familiarity, not unmixed with pleading, which would result in most cases in a tolerant acceptance. | |
8 | 配额分配申请只需提交在一个级别的( 中央或地方)一个机关批准。有关机关随后将根据配额分配发放进口许可证,大多数情况为提出许可证请求后的 3 个工作日,在例外情况下,最长可达 10 个工作日。许可证应针对配额的全部数量发放,在发放的日历年内有效。 | Applications for a quota allocation would need to be submitted to only one organization, at one level (central or sub?national)for approval. The relevant organization would then issue an import licence based on the quota allocation, in most cases within 3 working days and, in exceptional cases, within a maximum of 10 working days after a request for the licence. A licence would be issued for the full amount of the quota and would be valid for the calendar year issued. " | |
9 | 且该公约规定并在一般情况下限制承运人对旅客伤亡所负的责任。 | And the Convention governs and in most cases limits the liability of carriers for death or personal injury. | |
10 | 然而,在大多数情况下,这些负债都按很短的间隔支付。 | In most cases , however, these liabilities are paid at frequent intervals. | |
11 | 人们有时把一头已驯服的象栓在近旁以给野象以信心,在大多数情况下俘获象会逐渐安静下来,并接受喂食。 | Sometimes a tame elephant is tethered nearby to give the wild one confidence, and in most cases the captive gradually quietens down and begins to accept its food. | |
12 | 如果没有,请与计算机厂商联系以更换。 | In most cases , this software should have been preinstalled on the computer or included on disk.. | |
13 | 如果您拒绝注册或提供个人信息,您仍然可以访问 Volvo 网站的大部分内容,然而,您将不能访问网站上需要注册的部分内容。 | If you choose not to register or provide personal information, you will in most cases still be able to use most of the Volvo Web Sites. However you will not be able to access areas that require registration. | |
14 | 如果所有用户都已升级到 Access 2000 或更高版本,您会希望将旧版本的 Microsoft Access 数据库?转换为 Access 2000 文件格式. | In most cases , you′ll want to convert a previous-version Microsoft Access database? to Access 2000 file format . | |
15 | 俗话说: 太漂亮的蘑菇往往有毒. | There is a saying that beautiful mushrooms are in most cases toxic. | |
16 | 通常,配置程序已自动创建了.afr文件和AluxReport Viewer程序的文件关联。 | In most cases the configuration program will have already created an .afr document automatically to associate with the file of AluxReport Viewer program. | |
17 | 通过花旗网上银行获得的关于账户余额的信息可能并不总是完全最新的,但是大多数情况下至少反映了至前一个营业日营业结束时账户的交易及余额情况。 | Information available through Citibank Online concerning balances on Accounts may not always be completely up to date, although in most cases should at least reflect the transactions and balances of the Account up to the close of business on the previous Business Day. | |
18 | 同时,如果要连接的 SQL Server 数据库位于其他 SQL Server 上,则大多数情况下 SQL Server 将优化联接操作。 | Also, if the SQL Server database you are linking to is on another SQL Server, in most cases , SQL Server will optimize join operations. | |
19 | 微生物和底物的接触,需要在适宜的物理环境、营养素、氧气的条件下(在大多数情况下);并且在这种处理过程中没有有毒化合物存在。 | Contact between the microbes and the substrate; the proper physical environment, nutrients, oxygen (in most cases ); and the absence of toxic compounds are critical in this managed process. | |
20 | 为防止零件磕碰,正规零件出厂前都加有防护层,若表面无防护层多为假货。 | Genuine parts are given a protective coating before leaving the factory. If parts have no protective coating, they are in most cases counterfeit. | |
21 | 我还要谈谈公开赛。公开赛一般表示一个赛事对所有选手开放。在绝大多数情况,它表示业余和职业选手均可参赛。 | "I’d like to say a little about open competition. The term ""open"" in general means that an event is open to all competitors. In most cases it means both amateurs and professionals are allowed to compete." | |
22 | 议事协调机构和临时机构大部分不单设办事机构,其日常工作由相关的常设部门承担。 | They in most cases do not have independent working offices while the day-to-day work is placed under permanent ministries, commissions, administrations or other departments. | |
23 | 因此一个教学大纲在最后获得批准之前常常要经过多次修改。教学大纲一经制定,它就具有权威性、科学性和实用性。在很多情况下,教学大纲是检查和评定学生学业成绩和衡量教师教学质量的重要标准。 | So it is common that a syllabus has to undergo several drafts before it is finally approved. Once the syllabus is formulated, it is authoritative, scientific and practicable. In most cases it is a key index to measure students’ grades and teachers’ teaching quality. | |
24 | 因为成年人要更聪明。大多数情况下,这个简单的思想没有被大多数的成年人掌握,因为他们有着不同的教育背景。 | Because adults are smarter. In most cases , the simplicity of the idea escapes most adults because they have been educated differently. | |
25 | 由于到你方港口的直达船稀少,在大多数情况下,货物必须在香港转运。 | As direct steamers to your port are few and far between, in most cases , goods have to be transhipped from Hongkong | |
26 | 在大部分的情况下,这种错误是无心的 | In most cases , these errors were totally innocent | |
27 | 在大多数案件中,在致命错误出现的很早之前,这些控制步骤就应该进行矫正性的行动了。 | In most cases these steps should lead to corrective action long before a catastrophic error has occurred. | |
28 | 在大多数情况下,Windows 默认的虚拟内存设置应该能优化地执行。 | In most cases , the default virtual memory setting used by Windows should perform optimally. | |
29 | 在大多数情况下,当钢筘前面的梭口尚小于梭子大小(指横截面)时,便可能使梭子进入梭口。 | In most cases it is possible to allow the shuttle to enter the shed before the opening of the shed in front of the reed is as large as the shuttle size. | |
30 | 在大多数情况下,地表附近的土壤仅仅有些潮湿,但含水量并未完全饱和。 | In most cases the soil near the surface is merely damp and is not completely saturated with water |